Enko Abidjan-Côte d'Ivoire
Retrieve your password
If you do not remember your password, enter your e-mail address below.
You will receive a link allowing you to reset your account password.
We cannot find a user associated with this email address
The email for the account reset could not be sent because of an error with the email sending server. Please try again; if the error still occurs, please contact the school administration.
Not possible to reset the password because the email address is associated to several user accounts.
Please contact the school.
Your password recovery request has been initiated. If the e-mail address is found in the user database, a password recovery e-mail will be sent under 5 minutes. Please check your mailbox and click the recovery link found in the e-mail. If you do not receive the e-mail within 5 minutes, it is possible that your e-mail address is not found in our user database.
Junk emails
Our emails might be identified as "junk emails" by Hotmail or Gmail accounts. Please check your Junk inbox and authorize the school email address.
If you have forgotten your password and lost access to your e-mail address, please contact the school.
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Please tick the box below to begin the password reset procedure.